NEW Video Reveals:

How Salons, Spas, & Beauty Professionals 
Are Going Virtual And Have Easily Switched To Selling Their Products and Services
  100% From Home!

...Without Discounts AND Without Being Tech Savvy!

Make Sure To Click Play On This Video & Turn Up The Volume

"To Salon, Spa, & Beauty Business Owners Who Want To Keep  Profits Flowing and Get More Cash In Hand During These Unprecedented Times..."

Struggling to Generate Income During the Shutdown? 22 Minutes To Keep $$$ Flowing

From The Desk Of: Jordan Kee

Founder of Real Beauty Bosses

Dear Beauty Boss,


It's clear that times are changing...  And with that, so is the way that the salon, spa, and beauty industry does business.

It seemed like just yesterday our clients were reaching out telling us they had just finished, yet another appointment... 

Now, those times can sometimes feel distant.

One by one, as we reached out to our clients we got the same story...

"I'm being forced to shut down..."

"How do I make any money if I can't service my clients with these new "social distancing" rules..."

"I don't know how I'm going to make rent if my doors are closed..."

And the classic...

"Jordan, this is completely F@$%&D!!!"

And because we've been dealing exclusively with salon, spa, and beauty professionals for the last few years, it's been hard to see this happening.

Some of these people are not just clients, but they're actually our close friends.

And it's extremely tough to see your friends pour their heart out into a business for years, to have their success throttled by an external factor out of their control.

I mean, YOU didn't cause this, but YOU still have to deal with it.

So we decided to sit down at the drawing board with a couple of our clients to see the best way to weather this sh*t storm...

And this page reveals what we came up with...

But before I show you the keys to the kingdom to SURVIVE AND THRIVE... Let me ask you a question:

"How would it feel if you were able to continue making an income with your expertise, 100% from home without touching a single client?"

Now, I know what some of you are thinking...

Your B.S. meter and "what's the catch" radar is probably going through the roof right now.

But, here's a promise:

It is 100% possible and YOU can start doing this immediately.

No, this is NOT a system that only works for "some people" or "a few salons/spa/beauty pros".

This can and has worked for ANY and ALL salon, spa, or beauty businesses. 

...and it's actually working for people in the same boat as you right now!

But only if you take action and let it.

Don't believe me..?

One of our clients made $3,200 last week alone

Yeah, you read that right...

(and the crazy thing is, she's also, a ONE WOMAN SHOW.)

So what is this system that's allowing regular, everyday, normally "face-to-face" only salon, spa, and beauty pros, instantly SWITCH to selling their products, services and expertise 100% virtually ...?

We call it:

The Real Beauty Bosses"Hybrid" System

And this program was built for ANY and ALL salon, spa, or beauty pros to TAKE CONTROL during this down time and FIGHT BACK while continuing produce income, even if they can't leave the house.

You can be a:

  • Hairstylist
  • Salon Owner
  • Esthetician
  • ​Medspa
  • ​Microblading Specialist
  • ​Lash Artist
  • ​Waxing Specialist
  • ​Massage Therapist
  • ​Body Contouring Specialist
As long as you are an action taker willing to think outside of the box, this program will work for you...

And here's why...
We worked with hundreds of our clients to fill ALL the holes we could think of. We tried to make this program as airtight as possible.
We came up with the formula, to attract, book, and close 5-10+ sales per week Using Nothing More Than A Phone, iPad, OR Computer

We went through all the steps, carefully, and this is what we came up with.

We knew with OVER A MONTH OF BEING SHUTDOWN, there was no way in hell we were going to leave our salon, spa, and beauty professionals high and dry and needed to find ways to serve existing clients, generate new ones, and ultimately make sales and money - WITHOUT seeing clients in-person.

So we created that exact process...

And PAVED THE WAY for Salon, spa and beauty pros to generate high-paying clients without ever even having to meet or service them in person...

We found a way salon, spa, and beauty pros could continue generating sales WITHOUT having to wait for the doors to open again...

So here's what's included...

What You'll Find Inside
Real Beauty Bosses Hybrid

  • The Real Beauty Bosses Hybrid Program (You'll learn how you can start generating sales in 72 hours or less)
  • ​​The "Click-By-Click" Zoom Tutorial + Checklist so you can start hosting Virtual Consultations and Events
  • The 2-Page "Perfect Consultation" Script so you can flip your Virtual Consultations into PAYING CLIENTS
  • The Butts In Seats Remote Marketing System so you can attract more clients than you did BEFORE the virus
  • The Bulletproof Booking Process so you can set up an AUTOMATED booking system with text/email reminders
  • ​Special Bonus Gift #1: Quick-Start Business Planning Coaching Call with a certified success coach
  • ​Special Bonus Gift #2: The "What Do I Sell?" Offer Creation Masterclass so you can figure out exactly what to sell your clients
  • Special Bonus Gift #3: The Virtual Party + Event Masterclass and Cheat Sheet to set up your first event/party
  • ​Special Bonus Gift #4: "Battle Tested" Client Reactivation + Prepaid Appointment Call Script so you can make money NOW

(Includes click-by-click walkthroughs of every single step.)

**Highly Restrictive & Time Sensitive**

The demand for this program has been overwhelming...

We have old clients and people we’ve never even heard of asking when it will be made available. Although the content has been ruthlessly protected until now, the results are just now being leaked…
Due to results like these flooding in like crazy the past couple weeks, we have had an extremely high demand to release this program to the public, but to be respectful of all our long term, loyal clients, we will only be accepting a limited supply of new enrollments...

That's Why This Is A Very Limited Time Offer:

FYI: This is not "fake" scarcity... We are truly limiting the supply, and when this program closes - it closes for good.

This program is the most advanced training out there today on selling your salon, spa, or beauty products, services, and packages from home and very well may be the only place to find this information in the world.

But unfortunately, over 98% of the people who want access to this training program will never see it if they wait.

And I mean NEVER…

And odds are... depending on when you're reading this letter... the program may be well on it's way to closing.

So don’t waste another second…
Section #1 - The Hybrid Method...
In this section of the program we will walk you through a birds-eye-view of our Hybrid SYSTEM that is crushing it for salon, spa, and beauty professionals all over the world.  

Access to this section alone is worth the price of the program and then some
. You'll get access to the 2+ hour class on How To Attract, Book, and Close Sales through VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS the easy way by INVESTING your down time, NOT WASTING IT!

Not only that, but you'll also get the full slide deck used in the class - taught by myself, Jordan Kee, and guest teacher Amber Gallegos.

Implementing this system is exactly what is going to get you PROFITING during this downtime in 72 hours or less...

You'll discover:
  •  The single, fastest, easiest, and PROVEN way to transition from in-person services to virtual consultations using Only your phone, tablet, or computer (this includes Product, Packages, Pre-Paid Appointments, Consulting, Gift Cards)
  • ​The Virtual Party + Event Process that brings in raving reviews, referrals, and best of all, product & service sales!
  • ​The "Remote Products System" that shows how to sell & ship product to clients even if they have never done business with you before.
  • Our "Product Accelerator" training that teaches you the best way to package and present your services so you can get clients committed and begging for product and even start pre-selling appointments!
Section #2 - The "Perfect" Consultation Script...
In this section of the program we will walk you through exactly HOW to conduct your virtual consultations using the Perfect Consultation Script and get them to commit to meet with you through the computer, face time, zoom, skype or the phone.

We'll also show you how to make sure they show up and what to say to make sure they are qualified and ready to invest in a solution to their problem.

This is also fully customizable and can work in conjunction with any services, products, or trainings you guys provide.

This alone will have prospects showing up to online meetings or phone appointments, ready to hear from you and ready to get solutions to the problems they're experiencing with their hair/skin/nails/lashes/etc..

And that's not all... We'll also show you:
  •  The 3-things you MUST avoid when performing a virtual consultation (especially if you want to avoid losing a potential client)
  • ​The "No-Brainer" Irresistible Offer Stack... that turns your virtual events into a cash generating machine!
  • The 6-Step "SQUARE METHOD"... that shows you how to take prospects from slightly interested to "shut-up and take my money!"
  • ​And the 3 simple ways to perform your online consultations without feeling like a sleazy sales person.
Section #3 - Butts in Seats Remote Marketing System...
So after doing a deep dive into The Hybrid Model and teaching you the WHAT to do, we decided it was best to OVERDELIVER and really give an in depth HOW to training.

In fact, when we did the training live, we had students booking virtual consultations ON THE CLASS LIVE and actually had to leave EARLY because potential clients were chomping at the bit to get started

You'll learn all about our Butts in Seats Remote Marketing System in this training and see how to ATTRACT new potential clients from your area to reach out and ask you to tell them more about your services, products, and expertise.

Then all you have to do is swipe the card and book another!

Get access to: 
  •  The "Money Multiplier" profile hack that turns your social media profile into an appointment booking engine.
  • ​What to do when a potential client asks for your price (if you mess this up, people will walk away and you'll never hear from them again)
  • ​Posting on social media every day can be so hard right? Wrong! Our Daily Action Plan gives you the EXACT Step-by-Step routine of what you need to be posting every single day of the week.
  • ​The Copy & Paste profile posts that turn your everyday friends list into a hungry sea of buyers.
  • The "Can't Say No" Sequence that flips everyday conversations into booked appointments on your calendar
How's that for a value packed training? Being able to essentially 'unlock' a brand new marketing channel to sell your products and services from should get you a nice boost in profits during this down time...

But we're not stopping there. If we did we wouldn't be serving you to the best of our abilities.

So when you pick up the Real Beauty Bosses Hybrid Training today, we're also including for you...

Special Bonus Gift #1:  
Quick-Start Business Planning Coaching Call

Value: $197

Need help implementing ANY of the steps above? We decided to throw in a complementary coaching call for everyone who decides to take advantage of this offer while it still lasts.

(Important Note: this is not a sales call, no need to worry).

These calls used to be offered to the general public... now we exclusively offer these to only a handful of beauty professionals, and you get access to a Free Call with this training. 

We are genuinely here to help you get cash flow and income out of this course and for that reason we will be here for you if you need help setting up any part of this system.

We want this to be usable, helpful and mostly profitable for you.

Special Bonus Gift #2: 
The "What Do I Sell?" Offer Creation Masterclass

Value $197

Still rattling your brain trying to figure out what the heck you're gonna sell on these virtual consults?

This Masterclass shares a simple (yet powerful) framework for creating an irresistible offer that potential clients can't help but say yes too. This also allows you to ethically and morally raise your prices while IMPROVING the client's experience.

The more you can increase the "perceived value" of your service, the cheaper it becomes in your audiences mind.

By the end of the training you'll know how to...
  • ​Build Lifetime Clientele so you ONLY work with dream clients and avoid the "freebie" seekers
  • ​Sell High Ticket Packages so you can make more upfront while working with less clientele
  • Build stronger relationships by improving the client's experience
After you go through this training you'll have such a mouth watering offer that you'll most definitely rethink your current pricing menu... 

And we're not done yet! We thought long and hard about providing literally everything you would need to be successful with this new virtual model and that's when we came up with...

Special Bonus Gift #3:
Virtual Consultations & Events Masterclass + Cheat Sheets

$197 Value

In this training you'll learn how to Prepare, Present, and PROFIT using Virtual Events + Parties so you can get started with your first at-home Party/Event as soon as THIS WEEK!

We'll even show you how to do this using your own products OR you can use our preferred partner + distributors that can DROP SHIP the Products + Kits + Boxes 100% Done For You!

Our client Amber is sharing the EXACT methods she uses to get results like these below...

And if that wasn't enough, to give you literally ZERO reason to not take advantage of this amazing offer, we're throwing in...

Special Bonus Gift #4:
Brie Holt's "Battle Tested" Client Reactivation + Prepaid Appointment Call Script 

$197 Value

Get the EXACT Copy-and-Paste Word For Word Script Our Client Brie used to...
  • Book Herself Out
  • Completely fill 12 of her stylists books
  • Generate 1,000+ appointments 
  • ​Generate 50+ New Client Referrals all in a weeks time
So just to recap...

Total Value: $3,023.00

Your Price Today: $197.00

A Final Word...
If you've read this far it probably means you're serious about growing your salon, spa, or beauty business, even with the tough times we're facing.

For you, I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts, jump into the program and implement what we teach ASAP.

It's my belief that you’re going to ROI from this almost instantly.

Think about it: How many extra products, gift cards, or service packages do you have to sell this month to cover this entire investment?

My best guess... A HANDFUL AT MOST.

That's right. If this program just gets you A HANDFUL extra sales, you're making hand-over-fist money and sitting on profit.

So with that being said, there is virtually no risk... $197 is what some people pay for ONE appointment!

So let me ask you this...

Is it worth taking just a few minutes 
of your time to check this out?
Of course, right?

As I see it you have 2 options…

Option #1: Do nothing.

You can leave this page right now and nothing will change for you. Same income. Same level of control. Same life when you wake up tomorrow.

I won’t stop you!

If that’s your maximum potential, sweet.

But I don’t think you’re that kind of person because after all, you’re reading this line because you know you’re stuck below your potential right now and you’re actively trying to change that fact.

Option #2: Take a few minutes of your time and check this out!

If we consider the permanent impact this training could have on your income, I know (and you know) that you’re going to get an ROI from this fast. 

So option 2 is easy. 

Just take a leap and make this tiny investment into your future.

You’ll be happy you did, I promise.

I can’t wait to get this in your hands,

Jordan Kee

P.S. If you're one of those people like me who skips to the bottom of the letter...

I'm giving away a BRAND NEW program called "Real Beauty Bosses Hybrid"  that teaches salon, spa, and beauty professionals exactly how to generate interest, awareness, appointments and sales - all from the comfort of their home, virtually. The program value is $3,032.00+ but today is just one easy investment of $197.00.

There's not catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

So click the button below to claim your spot in this exclusive program... before it's gone forever.

Register By Clicking Below

Say "YES" Now And Claim Exclusive Access 
To This Very Limited Time Offer:
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